Foto: Thorben Wengert /

With more than 30 years of experience and over 500,000 apartments, houses and building complexes to our name, we believe our success speaks for itself.

Our team of specialists combines science, innovation, planning, and construction, along with international experience and a typical German sense of thoroughness, to offer the finest possible services.

Using NovoCorpus Cellular Lightweight Concrete ‒ or NCo CLC for short ‒ in the building process doesn't just mean that almost any building shell can be erected with revolutionary speed; it also results in a significant increase in building quality in terms of insulation, damping, safety, fire protection and environmental issues.

Our unparalleled technology requires nothing for successful construction but sand combined with water and cement, as well as our additive, meaning that natural resources such as clay and gravel can be preserved allowing living areas to be created without any disturbance to the environment.

With our all-weather NovoCorpus buildings, we can provide people all over the world with high quality housing for low prices, and give families in crisis-hit areas a home. Our social projects and numerous NovoCorpus schools and hospitals demonstrate that:

within these walls, dreams become reality!

By combining experienced specialists, ground-breaking science and the desire to make the world that little bit better, we are able to put tomorrow’s structural engineering techniques into practice today.